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Become an inspiring and successful leader in your business.

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"Our culture is rated
9 out of 10 by our team!"

~ Pieter, founder digital agency

Strong teams build successful businesses.

If you are looking for ways to get more performance and motivation out of your current workforce and scale your business, look no further.

It's a relief to share the same goals with my team and my co-founder. It provides clarity. Working  towards the same goal give focus and feels amazing.

~ Vladan, founder recruitment agency


90% of start-ups fail. A top-5 reason is related to people and culture.

Source: Forbes

You are not really a people manager, right?

You find it hard to delegate work. Leaving you stuck in the operation and working overtime instead of spending family time.

Your A-players are considering leaving. If they do, you are in deep sh*t.


Your money is wasted on onboarding and training people that ultimately misfit.

You lack benchmarks for performance and behaviour and this leads to a lot of frustration and discussion about appreciation and salary.

I feel your pain, I've been there myself.

It's hard to get everybody on the same page. I learned the hard way when I joined a SaaS start-up as the first employee. We were growing, fast. And with many ambitions and opinions, it quickly became messy. Our team lost believe and some became cynical. We needed a common goal to strive for.

Thanks to my background in design, I have the ability to make ideas tangible and communicate them. We set a new vision, divided responsibilities and worked towards the same goal. And so we got our start-up team back on track. Ultimately we became a successful scale-up.

Today I help entrepreneurs like you. Who feel their ambition needs a winning team but find a real challenge in assembling one.

It's a joy to work with Sam. By asking the right questions, he knew how to capture the essence of where I want to go with my company. His energy is contagious. I also saw this in my team.

~ Bo, founder SaaS company

Let's grow through the 4 start-up phases.


You've started a business and found market fit. Everything is new and exciting. The energy is high and the days are long. So far, so good.


Pioneering has made way for serious business operations. No more freestyling. The lack of vision, good defaults and clarity causes unrest.


You need to establish. This is where I help you to rebuild the foundation. We set clear expectations on behaviour and result and bring back ease.


We have clarity to delegate responsibilities and will coach on behaviour that leads to growth and success. It's time to shift gears.

They are performing better than ever.

Work face to face or online.

Depending on your location and the  fase of your business, select a form that suits you best.

There is a lot about culture to be found on Google. But to align it into one coherent story and involve your team is hard without any experience or guidance.

Dennis, director of start-up